VJM - Open House Information Website

Open House March 7, 2024

Check out explorevjm.gsacrd.ab.ca to view everything we have to offer. We can't wait to meet you! Let's make Marauder Memories togther.

Promotional Video - All New 2024

We have so much to offer to our new and returning students! Watch the video for a glimpse into VJM.

VJM Promotional Video Link

Walkthrough VJM - Take a Look!

Our school has been beautifully renovated and provides our students with an open caring environment that promotes educational development and technology integration. 

Walkthrough Video Link

ALL NEW 2024: Sneak Peek of VJM

Check out this quick sneak peek of VJM.

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VJM Survival Guide - Student Edition

Watch as "Fitzy" takes you on a unique tour of VJM through the eyes of a student. This hilarious take on life at VJM will truly leave you wanting to see more. 

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