

Advanced Placement (AP) programming prepares high school students for college and university studies. It is recognized by post-secondary institutions for dual credit (high school and post-secondary).

St. Albert Sports/Rec. Academy
Athletics, Academics, Advantage! The Greater St. Albert Sports Academy is based on the philosophy that students can learn through sport to maintain or improve academic standing and improve sports skills at the same time. The Academy currently offers any grade 4-9 student who has a desire to commit to the program, an outstanding opportunity to receive specialized skill and fitness training in hockey, soccer, and a combined program of dance, cheer, and gymnastics as well as an enhanced physical education program. The Academy provides all its students with individual attention in a Catholic/Christian environment.  Students registered in Sports Academy take their core subjects in the morning along with a full selection of options.  Health and Religion occur on Monday and Friday afternoon and Physical Education is integrated into the Sports Academy program that occurs Tuesday - Thursday afternoon. We will accept registrations from students outside of our District and attendance boundaries pending class enrollment. The administration will review any withdrawal from Sports Academy and can redirect students to their home school or District. Please contact Geoff Giocobbo at 780-459-4478 for more information.

Technology is integrated into all curriculum areas.  Computers and other electronic devices are available to students to help them achieve specific technology outcomes and complete assignments.  Students are encouraged to bring robust personal devices and make use of hand-held technology(iPods, iPads, laptops, tablets) to enhance learning.  

GSACRD attempts to ensure all network users are safe by constantly monitoring the use of the network and educating our youth about Digital Citizenship which includes the safe and ethical use of technology. Students must comply with the Appropriate Use Agreement found in the registration package. Students who misuse the network or do not comply with acceptable use agreements can be denied access to the network or the use of technology within the school and District.

Providing Support for a Range of Learning Needs
At Vincent J. Maloney we meet the needs of students within an inclusive classroom setting. We recognize that our students come to school with diverse learning needs and we are committed to creating a learning environment that is inclusive, flexible, and provides choices to students and parents. We focus on the development of a continuum of programming that is intended to address student needs across a variety of settings. This includes developing a Pyramid of Support at three levels.

At level one we provide universal programming that includes differentiated instruction, ongoing assessment, the use of technology, building on student strengths, positive behavior supports, and faith development. To the greatest extent possible, this allows for diverse learning needs of students to be typically met within the context of the regular classroom and Alberta Education’s Program of Studies.  At level two we attempt to provide opportunities for teachers to support or extend learning for some students that require more support. We have developed a timetable that provides an opportunity for students to receive small group help and support for their learning through a modified schedule. At times we have been able to provide targeted small group support for academic or social/emotional needs. For some students with more significant learning needs an Individual Program Plan or a Learner Plan is developed in consultation with parents and the school learning support team. Level three supports a few students with significant medical or profound cognitive needs. Depending on student need, financial and human resources we have also been able to offer some or all of the following specialized programs: